Edible Notions is an installation that explores differential perspectives through the medium of the common biomaterials of our food that have been heavily technologized. Beginning with the premise that perspectives represent our particular attitudes toward the world a" />

Edible Notions

6 – 9 9 2024

Edible Notions is an ins­tal­la­ti­on that explo­res dif­fe­ren­ti­al per­s­pec­ti­ves thro­ugh the medi­um of the com­mon bioma­te­ri­als of our food that have been heavily tec­h­no­lo­gi­zed. Beginning with the pre­mi­se that per­s­pec­ti­ves repre­sent our par­ti­cu­lar atti­tu­des toward the wor­ld and sha­pe our rela­ti­on­ships with it, this ins­tal­la­ti­on promp­ts a reflec­ti­on on which per­s­pec­ti­ves are being over­lo­oked or have evol­ved over time. This inqu­iry is espe­ci­al­ly per­ti­nent as the­se per­s­pec­ti­ves are being passed into the emer­ging tec­h­no­lo­gi­es that will sha­pe our futu­re. For ins­tan­ce, the per­s­pec­ti­ves we embed in neural networ­ks of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gen­ce may per­pe­tu­ate our biases or, alter­na­ti­vely, intro­du­ce diver­se inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of events and objec­ts. Edible Notions explo­res the bioma­te­ri­als that cre­ate our food and dishes, taking a deeper look into the­ir inner nar­ra­ti­ves, cul­tu­ral and tec­h­no­lo­gi­cal sto­ri­es. The pro­ject seeks to draw paral­lels betwe­en our biolo­gi­cal feed and the men­tal inta­ke of tho­ug­h­ts, which popu­la­tes the pre­ca­ri­ous or vast types of data­sets feeding our cur­rent arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gen­ce networ­ks. Through a dining expe­ri­en­ce featu­ring spe­cu­la­ti­ve dishes repre­sen­ting toma­to­es, avo­ca­dos, and psi­locybin mus­hro­oms, the artwork del­ves into the com­plex nar­ra­ti­ves of the­se biomaterials—stories of colo­ni­za­ti­on, cul­tu­ral sig­ni­fi­can­ce, and tec­h­no­lo­gi­cal reima­gi­na­ti­on. Accompanied by audi­ovi­su­al ele­ments, the ins­tal­la­ti­on invi­tes visi­tors to reflect on the biases embed­ded in our food sys­tems and how AI and tec­h­no­logy can enhan­ce, reve­al, dis­tort, or resha­pe the­se nar­ra­ti­ves. It’s a feast that chal­len­ges our under­stan­ding of daily objec­ts of nurture. 


This pro­ject was co-pro­du­ced by Metamedia Association and V2_Lab for the Unstable Media as part of the Summer Sessions art and tec­h­no­logy residencies.

a: Laura Rodriguez

Laura Elidedt Rodriguez is a mul­ti­me­dia artist and cura­tor living in the Netherlands, who com­bi­nes art, sci­en­ce and edu­ca­ti­on in her work. Through his knowled­ge acqu­ired in the under­gra­du­ate study of biotec­h­no­logy engi­ne­ering, gra­du­ate study in mole­cu­lar biology and addi­ti­onal gra­du­ate in arts and sci­en­ces, she explo­res the lin­ks betwe­en living orga­ni­sms and the tec­h­no­lo­gi­cal wor­ld, expo­sing hid­den rela­ti­on­ships, empat­hy and the­ir mutu­al kin­ship. In her wor­ks, she imple­ments the fol­k­lo­re of Mexico and post-huma­nist phi­lo­sop­hy with new media and spe­cu­la­ti­ve design. In 2021, she was also awar­ded the Kuryokhin Prize in the cate­gory of art and science.