EcoIlluminations: Textures in Natural and Synthetic Forms

7 – 29 11 2024

In the deli­ca­te inter­play betwe­en the natu­ral and syn­t­he­tic, the exhi­bi­ti­on “Ecoilluminations” invi­tes viewers to walk thro­ugh a lan­d­s­ca­pe whe­re the essen­ce of natu­re mer­ges with the com­plexity of human cre­ati­on. The exhi­bi­ti­on pre­sents artwor­ks that explo­re the ten­si­on and har­mony betwe­en the human and natu­ral wor­ld, betwe­en natu­ral mate­ri­als — wood, sto­ne, and ear­th — and syn­t­he­tic ones, like plas­tic and paper, reve­aling the deep rela­ti­on­ship we main­ta­in with our envi­ron­ment. (…) Through artwor­ks — from pain­tin­gs, scul­p­tu­res, ins­tal­la­ti­ons, and vide­os — the exhi­bi­ti­on con­fronts viewers with ques­ti­ons of iden­tity and res­pon­si­bi­lity. In a soci­ety incre­asin­gly defi­ned by (mass) con­sump­ti­on, rapid ava­ila­bi­lity, and dis­po­sa­bi­lity, the exhi­bi­ti­on “Ecoilluminations” enco­ura­ges us to reexa­mi­ne the nar­ra­ti­ves we cons­truct aro­und the objec­ts we cre­ate, use, and the envi­ron­ments we live in. As you move thro­ugh the exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce, you can find moments of pause and reflec­ti­on, dis­co­ve­ring not only the beauty inhe­rent in the mate­ri­als them­sel­ves but also the com­plex dialo­gu­es they ini­ti­ate. Here, in the “bor­der­li­ne” spa­ce betwe­en natu­ral and arti­fi­ci­al, we are invi­ted to reflect on our role wit­hin the intri­ca­te web of life — a remin­der of the deli­ca­te balan­ce we must stri­ve to main­ta­in in an ever-chan­ging wor­ld. Art beco­mes a tool for raising awa­re­ness abo­ut the envi­ron­ment, soci­al jus­ti­ce, and human rig­h­ts, invi­ting viewers to think more deeply abo­ut our sha­red res­pon­si­bi­lity towar­ds natu­re and each other.

a: Mark Šircel

Mark Šircel was born in 2000 in Pula. He atten­ded the School of Applied Arts and Design in Pula whe­re he ear­ned the title of pain­ting desig­ner and was named the best gra­du­ate in Pula. In 2019, he went to the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, Department of Painting, whe­re he ear­ned his degree as a gra­du­ate pain­ter. He then pur­su­ed a mas­ter’s degree in Media, Media Production and Journalism, obta­ining a mas­ter’s degree in media pro­duc­ti­on. He is cur­ren­tly pur­su­ing his second mas­ter’s degree in fine arts. He has exhi­bi­ted at nume­ro­us solo and gro­up exhi­bi­ti­ons, been part of vari­ous art wor­k­shops, fes­ti­vals, and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in nume­ro­us art pro­jec­ts and pro­grams. He com­ple­ted pro­fe­ssi­onal deve­lop­ment in Graz and Maribor. He cre­ates in the fiel­ds of pain­ting, scul­p­tu­re, pho­to­grap­hy, grap­hics, grap­hic design, art ins­tal­la­ti­ons, per­for­man­ce, video and new media, and ques­ti­ons the­ir exis­ten­ti­al issu­es, mutu­al laws and boun­da­ri­es. His wor­ks can be found in the hol­din­gs and col­lec­ti­ons of nume­ro­us muse­ums and gal­le­ri­es. He is a mem­ber of the Croatian Association of Artists of Istria (HDLU Istra).