Call for a Program Proposal in the Novo gallery

Gallery Novo (asso­ci­ati­ons Metamedia, Atanor, Faro11 and Labin Art Express XXI) invi­tes all artis­ts, cura­tors and artis­tic col­lec­ti­ves, cul­tu­ral wor­kers and orga­ni­za­ti­ons to pro­po­se a pro­gram in gal­lery Novo.

The call is per­ma­nen­tly open and it refers to cul­tu­ral and artis­tic pro­grams in the field of inno­va­ti­ve and inter­me­dia artis­tic prac­ti­ces (art and tec­h­no­logy, bioart, sound art, etc.) that belong to one of the pro­gram direc­ti­ons thro­ugh which the gal­lery operates:

1. Exhibition pro­grams (gro­up or indi­vi­du­al exhi­bi­ti­ons, art pro­jec­ts pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, film scre­enin­gs, per­for­man­ces, ins­tal­la­ti­ons, audi­ovi­su­al per­for­man­ces, etc.)
2. Production pro­grams (art resi­den­ci­es, artwork post-production,
cre­ati­ve wor­k­shops, etc.)
3. Discursive pro­grams (panels, artis­ts tal­ks, lec­tu­res, edu­ca­ti­ons, guided tours of exhi­bi­ti­ons in the gal­lery, etc.).

Applications are sub­mit­ted via an onli­ne form and are revi­ewed and appro­ved by the gal­lery’s Program Council, which meets quar­ter­ly. Selected can­di­da­tes will be noti­fi­ed of the resul­ts by an e‑mail wit­hin 3 mon­t­hs of rece­iving the application.