Cinemaniac > Think Film

What We Leave Behind – From the Archives of Jean-Luc Godard

12 – 21 7 2024

The exhi­bi­ti­on brin­gs toget­her a seri­es of pho­to­grap­hs that fra­me pho­to­grap­hs of books, col­la­ges, film and video arc­hi­val mate­ri­al from Godard’s per­so­nal arc­hi­ves, and the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pho­to-book What We Leave Behind and the sound com­po­si­ti­on and film by the same name.

The title of the book and sound com­po­si­ti­on What We Leave Behind – From the Archives of Jean-Luc Godard, fol­lows the tra­ces of rhi­zo­ma­tic spa­ces betwe­en the artis­tic-cura­to­ri­al rese­ar­ch of Stéphane Crasneanscki and his expe­ri­men­tal Soundwalk Collective after he was intro­du­ced to the vast repo­si­tory of Godard’s film cen­tury, loca­ted in Cantal in France, by Godard’s sound engi­ne­er François Musy in 2014. The end­less seri­es of car­d­bo­ard boxes were cla­ssi­fi­ed and pac­ked by Godard him­self, wit­ho­ut names and num­bers. Crasneanscki unfol­ded the boxes for a pho­to­grap­hi­cal­ly reme­di­ali­sed cine­ma-eye of Godardian peda­gogy that the­ori­ses and ter­ro­ri­sed with the ver­ti­go of spa­ti­al arran­ging, spa­ces in betwe­en and supe­rim­po­si­ti­ons, tran­s­pa­ren­ci­es and sha­dowy reflec­ti­ons of text, laye­red blen­ding and mul­ti­ple expo­su­res, and cut­ting and tearing of the ima­ges found.

Stéphan Crasneanscki is a French mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist wor­king in the field of music and film, books, and ana­lo­gue and digi­tal sound recor­din­gs. His col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons inclu­de Patti Smith, Abel Ferrara, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Luc Nancy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Nan Goldin, Willem Dafoe, Wim Wenders, Jean Nouvel, Isabelle Adjani, Catherine Deneuve, and Isabelle Huppert. He has exhi­bi­ted at inter­na­ti­onal ins­ti­tu­ti­ons such as Opéra de Lyon, KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Barbican Centre, Berghain, Centre Georges Pompidou, MUDAM, MuCEM, Museo Madre, New Museum, Palazzo Reale Milan, documenta14 in Athens and Kassel, Manifesta 12 Palermo, and elsewhere.

k: Branka Benčić & Tanja Vrvilo

a: Stéphan Crasneanscki

Cinemaniac Think Film at Pula Film Festival is a new spa­ce to show the appen­ded and exten­ded exhi­bi­ti­on tri­logy of mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Stéphan Crasneanscki fol­lowing the unve­iling of Gordard’s boxes, an exhi­bi­ti­on at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka. In coope­ra­ti­on with the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka and Film Mutations: Festival of Invisible Cinema – RECORDS (Film-coun­ter-film). Partners: Pula Film Festival, Soundwalk Collective, Studio Naegeli. Organizers: Apoteka – Prostor za suvre­me­nu umjet­nost, Udruga Metamedij