
Edible Notions

Edible Notions is an ins­tal­la­ti­on that explo­res dif­fe­ren­ti­al per­s­pec­ti­ves thro­ugh the medi­um of the com­mon bioma­te­ri­als of our food that have been heavily tec­h­no­lo­gi­zed. Beginning […]

Meanwhile, in the Glossy Interface

The gro­up exhi­bi­ti­on ‘Meanwhile, in the glo­ssy inter­fa­ce’ takes a look at the paral­lel sto­ri­es to our everyday lives. Bringing out per­s­pec­ti­ves from dif­fe­rent onli­ne inhabitants, […]

Cinemaniac > Think Film

What We Leave Behind – From the Archives of Jean-Luc Godard

Coming Out Museum Encounters

Coming out is a cons­tant, never-ending pro­cess of dis­co­ve­ring one’s own non-hete­ro­sexu­al and non-cisgen­der iden­tity. It begins with the first moments of awa­re­ness of one’s own […]

Networked Sea

Within the sco­pe of blue huma­ni­ti­es, which pla­ce cul­tu­ral his­tory in a mari­ti­me con­text, the figu­res of a sailor and a swim­mer stand pro­mi­nent. They adapt diΩerently to the chan­ging envi­ron­ment and inte­ract with the mari­ne sur­ro­un­din­gs each in its own dis­tin­ct way.